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Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze OKC to Host MFG Day Event

Designed to Expand Knowledge of Manufacturing and Inspire Next Generation of Manufacturers

Operator welding a part manufactured at Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze OKC. Wall Colmonoy opens their doors to the local Oklahoma City Community on Oct. 12, 2018, as part of participating in Manufacturing Day to inspire the next generation.
In celebration of Manufacturing Day 2018, Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze OKC will open its doors on Friday, October 12, 2018 to students from local Career Techs and high schools as part of an effort to inspire the next generation of opportunities that a career in manufacturing can provide.

Planned activities at Aerobraze OKC include tours of the facility, equipment and product manufacturing demonstrations of machining, welding, brazing and fabrication. The day will also include a hands-on activity intended to showcase Aerobraze's expertise in sheet metal fabrication. Blueprints and work instructions will be provided for the students to assemble an item made from cut, bent, milled, and drilled sheet metal fabricated parts. Each student will leave with a gift bag that contains an F-15 fighter jet made from metal pieces cut by water jet and slip fitted together. WCC Aerobraze OKC developed and manufactures heat exchangers for the U.S. Air Force's F-15 fighter jets.

Mark Saffell, Operations Manager, explains: "With the ever increasing skills gap for manufacturing jobs, we want to get young people excited and educate them about manufacturing as a career choice. The average age of workers in the manufacturing sector, as of 2017 Oklahoma state data, is 45 years of age. Only 2% employed in manufacturing are under age 20, and 7% under the age of 24. In the upcoming decade, this will leave a huge skills shortage gap. We hope opening up our doors to the local Oklahoma City community will encourage the younger generation into manufacturing careers."

About Manufacturing Day
Manufacturing Day is an annual national event taking place at various manufacturing companies across the US during the month of October. It is executed at the local level supported by thousands of manufacturers as they host students, teachers, parents, job seekers and other local community members at open houses, plant tours and presentations designed to showcase modern manufacturing technology and careers.

About Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze OKC
Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze OKC is a leading manufacturer of heat transfer related assemblies and other high temperature sheet metal components for aerospace, military and energy production customers. These include aircraft cabin / cockpit environmental heat exchangers; light aircraft exhaust systems; fuel cell heat exchangers; combustion heat transfer assemblies; and others including turbine engine related components. Quality standards include: AS9100 Rev D, ISO 9001:2015, AWS D17.1/D17.1M:2017 (welding), FAA Repair Station # BG2R715K | FAA-DER – Heat Transfer Products & Exhaust Systems | FAA PMA #SW-352 | FAA-DMIR On Staff

More information about Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze is available at

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